All the people in the pledge wall below have taken the Vegan Pledge and have also made the individual pledges shown.
I became vegan for a healthier life and to save animals and the environment.
My lung capacity improved from 42% to 56% in 3 months of eating vegan, no other lifestyle changes. I was honestly surprised by my result, bonus health benefits with everything else that this tender loving earth lifestyle provides.
Respecting all animals have a right to live in peace, whether in the wild or as a companion family member with humans.
I will remain vegan for the animals we share this planet with. It's time for humanity to progress. We no longer need to cause suffering in order for us to survive.
I will never harm an animal or eat or wear animal products! I will do what I can to help those animals in need.
As a long term vegan, I pledge to maintain my vegan diet and lifestyle and share to educate and encourage others to embrace a vegan way of life, for the rest of my life!
I pledge to continue being vegan always.
For the animals. For the planet. For the people.
I am responsible for my own actions and I pledge to let compassion, kindness and empathy guide my actions.
Vegan for the animals and our shared planet. Being vegan takes a little more effort to research and make the most ethical, sound decisions possible but a small price for the difference that it makes.
I am, and always will be, vegan for the animals. This world is their world just as much as it is for humans. Equal rights for animals. The right to be respected not exploited.
I promise to uphold vegan values forever!
12 years vegan. Happier, healthier and my life doesn't cause harm
For the animals and our planet (our home), vegan forever.
Be kind to all kinds.
Living a vegan lifestyle and contribute to a gentler and kinder relationship between humans and other species in the planet.
Be vegan or we all die.
Vegan since may 2021 and counting. Love for all animals since then
Heart and soul for animals ❤️
It was 17 years ago that I made a lifelong pledge to be vegan. Veganism was the logical choice for me as someone who opposes all forms of oppression. It made no sense to neglect animals in my consideration that no one should ever be harmed or exploited.
Michael McNally - President, Vegan NSW
Hardly a day goes by without me giving thanks for the changes becoming vegan has brought into my life.
I wasn't always vegan; now I know the truth, I always will be, for them.
I'll always be vegan, for the rest of my life. I plan to do a great deal in the future to bring about a better life for all animals on our beautiful planet.
With a little effort we can learn to live healthy, respectful lives in harmony with the rest of the beautiful creation that we share on this planet. I am moving forward in achieving this harmony.
Vegan for the animals. We need to be a voice for animals as they are powerless to the system
So sorry I didn't become began sooner and vegan for the animals first and foremost.
I'm vegan for life
We operate a vegan food truck called Classica The Great Foodini and we make 100% sure that no products derived from animals are used to make our products.
Vegan? For life! For all creatures great and small!
Staying hopeful for a kinder future.
Animals are friends, not food.
I vow to contribute in any small way I can to make the world a kinder, more compassionate place for those innocent beings who cannot speak out for themselves.
Vegan for life because it makes perfect sense for all of us.
My reason for choosing vegan is firstly to show compassion to all animals, conserve our natural environment & support my health & wellbeing.
Eating plant based is the best thing you can do for animals and the planet!! Loving it
I pledge as above, that I will always live a wholly vegan lifestyle and will do what I can to promote veganism and animal rights.
I promise to be kind and inspire others to live in harmony with all beings. I will fight the good fight always!
I am vegan for the animals
The future is vegan.
I promise to continue to educate the public through events and festivals and advocate on the animals' behalf whenever I can.
I promise to live out my remaining days following the vegan philosophy and that I will do whatever I can to try to make the world a better place for all animals.
To live with kindness, care and compassion for all
Vegan for animals and intersectional social justice.
For the animals
I'm proudly vegan & will help any way I can to end animal suffering.
Kavi the human is Toby the dog, is Toby the calf, is Rougue the chicken.
Social worker - because everyone matters.
Vegan - same reason.
Michelle Gravolin - CEO, Vegan NSW
If everyone could see the immense suffering that occurs to animals when they are bred, raised, transported and slaughtered for the purposes of human consumption, I'm sure many more people would be vegan.
I pledge to make the transition to a purely plant-based diet & vegan way of life. I do this to honour the animals who have given me unconditional love, joy & a purpose for living. Animals are my 'raison d'etre'. I promise to serve and protect them always.
I promise to continue not eating animals nor consuming dairy and eggs, nor wearing leather, nor exploiting animals in any way.
I have been vegan for 17 years and will be until I die.
I promise to never consume animal products and to the best of my ability not to use products that contain or abuse animals. I promise to continue to inform and hopefully inspire others to do the same.
I love the environment where we live, all the plants, the animals and the people. I wish all have happy lives.
I promise that as a vegan I will always be an advocate for animals and never participate in any kind of exploitation of them. I commit to fighting for justice for all animals always.
I'm vegan as we must create more compassionate societies. Being vegan is scientifically proven to be best for human health, best for the environment, best for society and best for the wonderful diversity of other sentient beings we share our Planet with.
For the animals
I am vegan because it is the right thing to be. Cruelty free and compassionate for the animals and the planet.
I will do my utmost to never use animal products, promote a happy, healthy vegan lifestyle to others, sign petitions, make submissions and treat all animals with the respect they deserve.
I love animals
For the animals, planet Earth and my health.
I adhere to the principle that our fellow animals have the right to be treated with respect and justice and should not be commodified or treated as property. I ensure that my diet consists wholly of plant foods, with no products derived from animals.
All animals deserve to live in peace. Exploitation of animals should not be tolerated.
I promise to do the best I can, when I know better I aim to do better.
How wonderful for the world if everyone became vegan.
I am a vegan for life
I promise for the rest of my life to work hard to foster respect, care, dignity and freedom for all animals.
Patty Mark - Founder and President, Animal Liberation Victoria and Liberation Sanctuary
Veganism, I believe, is the most effective way available to us to fight for animal justice and to join the struggle against global boiling which is already costing millions of human and animal lives.
Doing it for the animals.
I will never knowingly do anything directly or indirectly to cause preventable harm to any animal.
For the animals. Always.
I'm vegan
When if I'm unable to cook my vegan meals anymore and there isn't vegan food available to me, I will die. Promise.
I promise to live ethically vegan for life and spread veganism to friends and family.
For the animals, for the environment, for health and for compassion, integrity & kindness to others. We change the world one person at a time.
I pledge to continue my vegan lifestyle for as long as I live.
Animals are here with us, not for us (borrowed but worth repeating).
I will always strive for a kinder world for all beings.
Go vegan. Stay vegan.
I'm vegan as I believe animals are here with us not for us.
As an almost lifelong vegan, along with my kids and grandkids I will continue this legacy long after I am gone.
Animals in my heart and plants in my belly.
Vegan for 20 years & will never go back. It's never been easier! The quote that says it best for me is "when we can live happy, healthy lives without harming others, why wouldn't we?"
Vegan for the animals, for life.
For the animals, now and always.
Just reached my 60th birthday, and celebrating 40+ years as a Vegan4Life.
I am and will forever be vegan for the animals for the rest of my life.
I fight for the innocent animals because they don't have a voice to be heard.
I pledge to all of the above. Vegan for life
I have finally awoken and my only regret is that it took so long.
I pledge to eat a vegan diet for the benefit of all living beings.
I pledge to live a healthy life fuelling my body on plant foods only and doing everything in my power to avoid causing harm to other sentient beings, especially our voiceless and vulnerable animal friends.
Do no harm
I am vegan for the animals. We are all earthlings travelling on a speck of dust in the middle of incomprehensible emptiness, united in our capacity to suffer. May we all be united in the nonhuman capacity for humility, forgiveness and love.
Our earth needs more vegans.
For the animals, for life.
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© Vegan Australia | Registered as a charity by the ACNC | ABN 21 169 219 854