The Vegan Pledge is for all vegans, whether you've been vegan for a few days or your whole life. Below are some of the individual pledges vegans have given when taking the pledge. If you haven't already, please take the Vegan Pledge.
I promise to love all animals equally, and do my best to never exploit any animal.
As a vegan, I will always fight and advocate for the rights of all beings.
Vegan Australia gives me hope! Keep shining your light of compassion and truth. I'm cheering you on.
Dr. Michael Klaper - physician, vegan health educator, conference and event speaker
I pledge to live a vegan lifestyle, choosing compassion over cruelty, and advocating for animal rights in every action, meal, and choice I make.
I don't want to hurt animals
I love animals and would like to support their lives by becoming vegan.
Compassion, not exploitation, for all sentient beings creates an holistic lifestyle for a kinder world. Pledged to keep "spreading the word"
im vegan for 5 years
I promise to live alongside humans and animals in a kind and caring way.
I choose to be vegan because of the animals and the planet.
I'm vegan as I believe animals are here with us not for us.
Vegan for the planet, health and the animals.
Vegan for the animals and our shared planet. Being vegan takes a little more effort to research and make the most ethical, sound decisions possible but a small price for the difference that it makes.
I affirm that I will always be vegan and a voice for the animals.
Vegan for the planet
For the animals and our planet (our home), vegan forever.
I wasn't always vegan; now I know the truth, I always will be, for them.
Vegan for the animals (both human and non-human), with whom we share this planet and for the magnificent, miracle called Earth, that we all get to call home.
I love all Animals and promise never to eat, use or hurt them, intentionally or unintentionally
Vegan for the animals. We need to be a voice for animals as they are powerless to the system
Vegan for the animals, for the planet & forever!
I promise to use my voice to advocate for those without a voice, and to spread the message of kindness towards all creatures
Being kind means to every living thing not just people and really it’s not that hard!
I am vegan for the animals and I promise that I will remain vegan for the rest of my life.
I'm proudly vegan & will help any way I can to end animal suffering.
I have been vegan for 10 years, and I will be vegan for life!! Vegan Australia is doing amazing work to promote veganism nation wide.
Veganism is the essence of humanity.
Vegan for the animals, for life.
I pledge to see the human in animals and animal in humans as ultimately we're all equal. Being able to see it and embrace it with my heart has been an unintended but absolutely eye-opening gift.
We are all animals, we all suffer the same and want peace the same!
Vegan, so that my children, and their children can live in a kind future, free from harming animals, humanity, and the planet. A better world is around the corner, and we will be a part of this.
I became vegan first and foremost for the animals, which has lead me to a career in nutrition to support others who wish to live a kinder lifestyle.
I am vegan for the animals. End speciesism. End welfarism. End false animal advocacy.
I promise to live ethically vegan for life and spread veganism to friends and family.
My reason for choosing vegan is firstly to show compassion to all animals, conserve our natural environment & support my health & wellbeing.
I promise that as a vegan I will always be an advocate for animals and never participate in any kind of exploitation of them. I commit to fighting for justice for all animals always.
Choosing a vegan lifestyle is a promise to honour the planet, respect all living beings, and foster a healthier future for ourselves and generations to come.
I'm an advocate for health, lover of animals, and author of vegan rural romance. Vegan for life!
I'm vegan for the animals, let's create a world where all living beings are treated with kindness and respect!
Being vegan means I can live peacefully in alignment with my values.
Vegan FTA for life. Vegan Australia is a great goal and a great organisation
Vegan for the planet, for the animals and for our health. It’s a no brainer!
If everyone could see the immense suffering that occurs to animals when they are bred, raised, transported and slaughtered for the purposes of human consumption, I’m sure many more people would be vegan.
Vegan for animals and for our mother earth 365 days, everyday. When you know the truth about animal cruelty, there is no way you will reverse your diet back to eating animal products. Being Compassion and kind!
I promise to do the best I can, when I know better I aim to do better.
Thank you for everything you do. Vegan for the animals.
I pledge that, as a vegan, to boycott animal exploitations, adhere to vegan principles and stand proud with other vegans for animal activism.
"If you are guilty of serious sins, eating vegetables will eliminate bad karma, and if you are not blessed, you will promote good karma." I have been a vegetarian for ten years and am determined to promote vegetarianism throughout my life.
Veganism is the essence of humanity.
I will forever live kind and compassionately. I will never contribute to companies or practices that inflict cruelty, or that exploit the animals/sea creatures or insects of the world.
All for the beautiful animals on this planet.
Vegan for the animals, the planet, and it's a revolutionary way to say no to rampant capitalism.
Be vegan. Or die.
Have enjoyed being a life-long vegan. This not only benefits the animals, but also results, at age 92, in my still enjoying runs such as the 14km Sydney City2Surf.
Vegan for the animals and the environment, forever!
Vegan for animals and intersectional social justice.
I love being vegan!!
I promise for the rest of my life to work hard to foster respect, care, dignity and freedom for all animals.
Patty Mark - Founder, Animal Liberation Victoria and Liberation Sanctuary
By being vegan, I am taking a stand against oppression, cruelty and destruction every day.
I wish kindness to all animals and will do everything I can to avoid any harm to animals from my actions.
I promise to continue not eating animals nor consuming dairy and eggs, nor wearing leather, nor exploiting animals in any way.
We do it for the animals. All of us. The exploitation of animals for food, adornment, entertainment and research is OVER. Together we will do this. It is so hard living everyday knowing their pain.
I promise to live with causing no harm to any living animal - practicing and living by the vow of ahimsa.
Vegan for life!
I promise to uphold vegan values forever!
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