I pledge to be vegan for the rest of my life. I wish to use my knowledge and philosophy to educate others on this way of living. Plus all the other points obtained in the pledge. Warm Regards, Tracy
I love meat in my mouth but not the animal type.
All for the beautiful animals on this planet.
Heart and soul for animals ❤️
As a vegan with aligned beliefs and faith I promise to do my best to promote and advocate human health and well-being, put a stop to animal cruelty and stand for biodiversity and environmental protection.
Veganism is the essence of humanity.
As a long term vegan, I pledge to maintain my vegan diet and lifestyle and share to educate and encourage others to embrace a vegan way of life, for the rest of my life!
My lung capacity improved from 42% to 56% in 3 months of eating vegan, no other lifestyle changes. I was honestly surprised by my result, bonus health benefits with everything else that this tender loving earth lifestyle provides.
I don't want to hurt animals
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© Vegan Australia | Registered as a charity by the ACNC | ABN 21 169 219 854