I pledge to do all I can to not contribute to the suffering of animals and encourage others to do the same
I pledge that, as a vegan, to boycott animal exploitations, adhere to vegan principles and stand proud with other vegans for animal activism.
Vegan forever. I will not be responsible for harm to animals. Ever.
I see your suffering, I hear your cries, and I will never give up fighting for your right to live free from human inflicted cruelty and suffering. This planet is your home too, and you life matters. Forever vegan for you.
Vegan for animals and intersectional social justice.
I pledge to live a vegan lifestyle, choosing compassion over cruelty, and advocating for animal rights in every action, meal, and choice I make.
I pledge to live a healthy life fuelling my body on plant foods only and doing everything in my power to avoid causing harm to other sentient beings, especially our voiceless and vulnerable animal friends.
I promise to live alongside humans and animals in a kind and caring way.
I promise to continue to educate the public through events and festivals and advocate on the animals' behalf whenever I can.
Unsubscribe at any time. Your details are safe, refer to our privacy policy.
© Vegan Australia | Registered as a charity by the ACNC | ABN 21 169 219 854