
Mass media ignores animal agriculture in climate news

01 Jul 2023

A research collaboration between Faunalytics and Sentient Media has found that very little US media coverage of climate change focuses on animal agriculture, a major source of greenhouse gases.

Even though the effects of animal agriculture on the environment and climate are vast, the mainstream media fails to cover this.

The study found that:

  • Only 7% of climate articles mentioned animal agriculture and they rarely discussed its impact on climate change.
  • The animal agriculture industry is often portrayed as a victim of climate change rather than a significant cause.
  • There are countless missed opportunities to discuss animal agriculture in the context of climate change.

If you are interested in how you can influence the media to improve reporting on this, read the Faunalytics article for some recommendations.

Vegan Australia would like to carry out a similar study, so please comment below if you have found the media in Australia also fails to cover the effects of animal agriculture on climate.

Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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