All the people in the pledge wall below have taken the Vegan Pledge and have also made the individual pledges shown.
Choosing a vegan lifestyle is a promise to honour the planet, respect all living beings, and foster a healthier future for ourselves and generations to come.
I pledge that my actions and the way I live my life will never knowingly harm any animal and to always stand up for animal rights.
Vegan since may 2021 and counting. Love for all animals since then
Vegan for the animals, for life.
Veganism, I believe, is the most effective way available to us to fight for animal justice and to join the struggle against global boiling which is already costing millions of human and animal lives.
If we don't learn to respect the animals and plants we share this planet with, we will never learn to respect each other.
I pledge as above, that I will always live a wholly vegan lifestyle and will do what I can to promote veganism and animal rights.
If you know better, you do better! Educate, take action and be part of a movement that one day ends speciesism! ❤️
Social worker - because everyone matters.
Vegan - same reason.
Michelle Gravolin - CEO, Vegan NSW
I will never knowingly do anything directly or indirectly to cause preventable harm to any animal.
I promise to continue my journey of loving, caring, and fighting for animals and their rights until the end of my days.
I recently realised how much better I feel both physically and mentally after becoming vegan. It is also a cheaper way of living and there is a huge range of delicious foods available for vegans. I pledge to avoid animal products for good. 🙂
I will remain vegan for the animals we share this planet with. It's time for humanity to progress. We no longer need to cause suffering in order for us to survive.
Vegan since 2005. For the animals, for the planet, and for my health.
I love animals, and don't need any on my plate.
My reason for being vegan is to support voiceless beings, the environment and for my own health and well-being.
This Christmas I'm minimising harm and setting a good example for others by sharing delicious, nutritious vegan food!
I have been a vegan for over a year or more. And my reason for been a vegan is for health and fitness and to give our animals a chance in life.
As a vegan, I strive to act thoughtfully and consciously to show loving kindness to all sentient beings.
I am vegan because it is the right thing to be. Cruelty free and compassionate for the animals and the planet.
Vegan? For life! For all creatures great and small!
I have finally awoken and my only regret is that it took so long.
I promise that as a vegan I will always be an advocate for animals and never participate in any kind of exploitation of them. I commit to fighting for justice for all animals always.
I have no right to anyone else's body, except for my own. My body, my choice. Their body, their choice.
Vegan for the planet and the animals and for life.
By being vegan, I am taking a stand against oppression, cruelty and destruction every day.
Doing it for the animals.
Vegan Australia gives me hope! Keep shining your light of compassion and truth. I'm cheering you on.
Dr. Michael Klaper - physician, vegan health educator, conference and event speaker
Newly vegan and developing my knowledge.
I stand with all sentient beings. Being vegan is the least I can do to combat animal cruelty. Let's speak up for the voiceless.
When if I'm unable to cook my vegan meals anymore and there isn't vegan food available to me, I will die. Promise.
We are all vegan in our hearts anyway!
Humans aren't better than other sentient beings. Hence vegan.
I choose to be vegan because of the animals and the planet.
As a long term vegan, I pledge to maintain my vegan diet and lifestyle and share to educate and encourage others to embrace a vegan way of life, for the rest of my life!
I promise to do the best I can, when I know better I aim to do better.
We operate a vegan food truck called Classica The Great Foodini and we make 100% sure that no products derived from animals are used to make our products.
Why do the majority of humans find the killing and eating of some animals, principally herbivores, unremarkable and inculpable, while killing and particularly eating other animals, especially humans, is reflexively condemned as repulsive and taboo? See
I'm vegan as I believe animals are here with us not for us.
Vegan for life!
#veganfuture - It's the only ethical way to live.
I pledge to continue my vegan lifestyle to protect all beings, large and small.
Our earth needs more vegans.
Vegan for the animals, the planet, and it's a revolutionary way to say no to rampant capitalism.
Vegan - because why it's the right thing to do. I've been vegan since 2011 and there's no other way for me to live.
Just reached my 60th birthday, and celebrating 40+ years as a Vegan4Life.
God bless humanity and the animals. Peace love and light for all.
I pledge to see the human in animals and animal in humans as ultimately we're all equal. Being able to see it and embrace it with my heart has been an unintended but absolutely eye-opening gift.
Animals have the right not to be exploited.
I am responsible for my own actions and I pledge to let compassion, kindness and empathy guide my actions.
To live with kindness, care and compassion for all
I promise for the rest of my life to work hard to foster respect, care, dignity and freedom for all animals.
Patty Mark - Founder and President, Animal Liberation Victoria and Liberation Sanctuary
Empowering evolution from civilised marauders to hi-tech gardeners in a thriving multicultural meritocracy. We are co-dependent on healthy ecology and can obtain nutrition from plant-based sources.
With a little effort we can learn to live healthy, respectful lives in harmony with the rest of the beautiful creation that we share on this planet. I am moving forward in achieving this harmony.
I'm vegan because I believe that our actions have the power to shape a world without animal suffering and exploitation.
Harley McDonald-Eckersall - Strategy and Campaigns Director, Farm Transparency Project
Vegan for animals and for our mother earth 365 days, everyday. When you know the truth about animal cruelty, there is no way you will reverse your diet back to eating animal products. Being compassionate and kind!
Vegan for life
I'm an advocate for health, lover of animals, and author of vegan rural romance. Vegan for life!
All children should be educated about animals from a very young age. (From the Vegan Education in Schools campaign.)
I oppose all cruelty to animals. As a vegan I'll promote kindness and compassion with every living creature wherever I can.
I will forever live kind and compassionately. I will never contribute to companies or practices that inflict cruelty, or that exploit the animals/sea creatures or insects of the world.
For the love of animals I pledge to prevent their suffering by eating plant based.
I am and will forever be vegan for the animals for the rest of my life.
I don't want to hurt animals
Vegan for the animals. Vegan for life.
It started out as a pledge to protect and preserve animals and planet, but as my journey has unfolded I've realised it's about my health too - improved physical & spiritual well-being. Guilt free living for ALL beings.
I promise to be guided by compassion and awareness; to value the life of all beings and be an advocate for life for those who are without a voice.
The best decision I have ever made. I only wish I made it sooner.
Meat is Murder
Always choose kindness
12 years vegan. Happier, healthier and my life doesn't cause harm
I pledge to live a vegan lifestyle, choosing compassion over cruelty, and advocating for animal rights in every action, meal, and choice I make.
I promise to live with causing no harm to any living animal - practicing and living by the vow of ahimsa.
I am proud to be vegan and i promise to do all i can to help end the exploitation of animals.
I believe that all animals have a right to exist free from exploitation from humans.
I am, and always will be, vegan for the animals. This world is their world just as much as it is for humans. Equal rights for animals. The right to be respected not exploited.
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© Vegan Australia | Registered as a charity by the ACNC | ABN 21 169 219 854