All the people in the pledge wall below have taken the Vegan Pledge and have also made the individual pledges shown.
Our earth needs more vegans.
Vegan for life because it makes perfect sense for all of us.
Be that vegan yogi and holistic counsellor for all sentient beings and Mother Earth in this life journey of a precious human birth.
Have enjoyed being a life-long vegan. This not only benefits the animals, but also results, at age 92, in my still enjoying runs such as the 14km Sydney City2Surf.
I pledge to live vegan to honour and protect all sentient beings, to minimise my impact on earth, and to benefit my own health and the wellbeing of others.
I will never harm an animal or eat or wear animal products! I will do what I can to help those animals in need.
If everyone could see the immense suffering that occurs to animals when they are bred, raised, transported and slaughtered for the purposes of human consumption, I'm sure many more people would be vegan.
I promise to be kind and inspire others to live in harmony with all beings. I will fight the good fight always!
I promise to live out my remaining days following the vegan philosophy and that I will do whatever I can to try to make the world a better place for all animals.
I love animals, and don't need any on my plate.
Vegan for the animals and the environment, forever!
My lung capacity improved from 42% to 56% in 3 months of eating vegan, no other lifestyle changes. I was honestly surprised by my result, bonus health benefits with everything else that this tender loving earth lifestyle provides.
I promise to never consume animal products and to the best of my ability not to use products that contain or abuse animals. I promise to continue to inform and hopefully inspire others to do the same.
I'm vegan for life
Vegan, so that my children, and their children can live in a kind future, free from harming animals, humanity, and the planet. A better world is around the corner, and we will be a part of this.
I love animals and would like to support their lives by becoming vegan.
Friends, not food!
31 years vegan, no plans to stop.
Genuine vegan since 2008, it should have been sooner.
Vegan for life!
I wasn't always vegan; now I know the truth, I always will be, for them.
For the animals
As an almost lifelong vegan, along with my kids and grandkids I will continue this legacy long after I am gone.
I have been vegan for 10 years, and I will be vegan for life!! Vegan Australia is doing amazing work to promote veganism nation wide.
I am fully committed to this initiative. I have been vegan for the past 5 years and will be for the rest of my life. Animals must have the right to live on our planet freely and peacefully.
Always choose kindness
Vegan for animals and intersectional social justice.
Staying hopeful for a kinder future.
I pledge to see the human in animals and animal in humans as ultimately we're all equal. Being able to see it and embrace it with my heart has been an unintended but absolutely eye-opening gift.
I will never knowingly do anything directly or indirectly to cause preventable harm to any animal.
Be kind to all kinds.
Just reached my 60th birthday, and celebrating 40+ years as a Vegan4Life.
I've been fighting since I was eight for the animals. They deserve their own lives.
I pledge to be vegan for life.
Veganism is the ethical principle to minimise suffering. This presupposes the continual education of inner workings of exploitative systems, and being held accountable for the impact of choices made. I pledge to uphold these values as long as I live.
I adhere to the principle that our fellow animals have the right to be treated with respect and justice and should not be commodified or treated as property. I ensure that my diet consists wholly of plant foods, with no products derived from animals.
Choosing not to eat animals was such an obvious choice for me when I learned of the environmental benefits too.
As a long term vegan, I pledge to maintain my vegan diet and lifestyle and share to educate and encourage others to embrace a vegan way of life, for the rest of my life!
I'm vegan as we must create more compassionate societies. Being vegan is scientifically proven to be best for human health, best for the environment, best for society and best for the wonderful diversity of other sentient beings we share our Planet with.
Knowing you are saving animals by being vegan is a wonderful way to live.
12 years vegan. Happier, healthier and my life doesn't cause harm
For the animals. Because their lives are as worthy as ours. Because they are someone not something. Because I see them.
I'm vegan because I believe that our actions have the power to shape a world without animal suffering and exploitation.
Harley McDonald-Eckersall - Strategy and Campaigns Director, Farm Transparency Project
I have been vegan for nearly 8 years, do animal justice activism and help promote the vegan mindset. I pledge to commit to veganism and animal justice for the rest of my life and wish I'd been vegan since birth.
I have been vegan for 5 years.
I pledge to not eat meat anymore.
All children should be educated about animals from a very young age. (From the Vegan Education in Schools campaign.)
Vegan? For life! For all creatures great and small!
I have been a vegan for over a year or more. And my reason for been a vegan is for health and fitness and to give our animals a chance in life.
Heart and soul for animals ❤️
I became vegan first and foremost for the animals, which has lead me to a career in nutrition to support others who wish to live a kinder lifestyle.
Vegan FTA for life. Vegan Australia is a great goal and a great organisation
The best decision I have ever made. I only wish I made it sooner.
Become vegan and promote advocacy to others, in the process help the animals, the earth and your health!
I am vegan for the animals. End speciesism. End welfarism. End false animal advocacy.
I pledge to think of the other sentient beings on earth as being equal in their rights to live happy long lives as the 'gods' intended.
I will always strive for a kinder world for all beings.
Living a vegan lifestyle and contribute to a gentler and kinder relationship between humans and other species in the planet.
I promise to live ethically vegan for life and spread veganism to friends and family.
So sorry I didn't become began sooner and vegan for the animals first and foremost.
Choosing a vegan lifestyle is a promise to honour the planet, respect all living beings, and foster a healthier future for ourselves and generations to come.
I love all Animals and promise never to eat, use or hurt them, intentionally or unintentionally
To continue to encourage others to also take a stand against eating animals
I pledge to eat a vegan diet for the benefit of all living beings.
I have been vegan for 10 years and will always and forever remain vegan. I refuse to support any form of animal exploitation or cruelty. My planned humanitarian animal projects will come to fruition as soon as I am funded.
I have loved animals with a passion all my life. I will continue to do so and as well as being a vegan myself, will always advocate for animal welfare and veganism.
I promise to live alongside humans and animals in a kind and caring way.
Vegan for the love and life of animals!
Humans aren't better than other sentient beings. Hence vegan.
I am and will forever be vegan for the animals for the rest of my life.
I fight for the innocent animals because they don't have a voice to be heard.
All for the beautiful animals on this planet.
I stand with all sentient beings. Being vegan is the least I can do to combat animal cruelty. Let's speak up for the voiceless.
I promise to always be vegan for our precious animal friends. Ahimsa
I promise to love all animals equally, and do my best to never exploit any animal.
I pledge to be vegan for the rest of my life. I wish to use my knowledge and philosophy to educate others on this way of living. Plus all the other points obtained in the pledge. Warm Regards, Tracy
I promise to do the best I can, when I know better I aim to do better.
I have been vegan for 17 years and will be until I die.
I see your suffering, I hear your cries, and I will never give up fighting for your right to live free from human inflicted cruelty and suffering. This planet is your home too, and you life matters. Forever vegan for you.
Veganism is the essence of humanity.
As a vegan, I strive to act thoughtfully and consciously to show loving kindness to all sentient beings.
I am responsible for my own actions and I pledge to let compassion, kindness and empathy guide my actions.
Veganism, I believe, is the most effective way available to us to fight for animal justice and to join the struggle against global boiling which is already costing millions of human and animal lives.
Vegan since 2005. For the animals, for the planet, and for my health.
Animals in my heart and plants in my belly.
#veganfuture - It's the only ethical way to live.
I have been a strict ethical vegan for 15 years, and I pledge to remain so for the rest of my life in support of an end to the commodification, exploitation, enslavement, slaughter of, and harm to, all other species of non-human animals.
Veganism is the least I can do to protect animals from unnecessary suffering and abuse.
Chris Delforce - Founder and Executive Director, Farm Transparency Project
26 years vegan and counting and it's still the best decision I ever made.
Vegan for animals and for our mother earth 365 days, everyday. When you know the truth about animal cruelty, there is no way you will reverse your diet back to eating animal products. Being compassionate and kind!
Vegan for the animals (both human and non-human), with whom we share this planet and for the magnificent, miracle called Earth, that we all get to call home.
Empowering evolution from civilised marauders to hi-tech gardeners in a thriving multicultural meritocracy. We are co-dependent on healthy ecology and can obtain nutrition from plant-based sources.
Kavi the human is Toby the dog, is Toby the calf, is Rougue the chicken.
Newly vegan and developing my knowledge.
I affirm that I will always be vegan and a voice for the animals.
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© Vegan Australia | Registered as a charity by the ACNC | ABN 21 169 219 854