All the people in the pledge wall below have taken the Vegan Pledge and have also made the individual pledges shown.
I have been a strict ethical vegan for 15 years, and I pledge to remain so for the rest of my life in support of an end to the commodification, exploitation, enslavement, slaughter of, and harm to, all other species of non-human animals.
For all animals to be free, loved, respected and valued for their individual characters and positivity they bring into our lives.
Always choose kindness
I pledge to see the human in animals and animal in humans as ultimately we're all equal. Being able to see it and embrace it with my heart has been an unintended but absolutely eye-opening gift.
None are free until all are free. Vegan for a kinder, gentler world. VFTA. DXE.
I believe that all animals have a right to exist free from exploitation from humans.
Vegan for the animals, the planet, and it's a revolutionary way to say no to rampant capitalism.
Do no harm
Supporting our non-human brethren through making compassionate choices.
I will forever live kind and compassionately. I will never contribute to companies or practices that inflict cruelty, or that exploit the animals/sea creatures or insects of the world.
I enter my pledge in being vegan.
Kavi the human is Toby the dog, is Toby the calf, is Rougue the chicken.
I am and will forever be vegan for the animals for the rest of my life.
All children should be educated about animals from a very young age. (From the Vegan Education in Schools campaign.)
Vegan for the love and life of animals!
Respecting all animals have a right to live in peace, whether in the wild or as a companion family member with humans.
I am vegan because it is the right thing to be. Cruelty free and compassionate for the animals and the planet.
Vegan for the animals.
Vegan for life because it makes perfect sense for all of us.
I am vegan because I respect the right of every sentient animal to their own body, life and freedom.
Greg McFarlane - Director, Vegan Australia
I vow to contribute in any small way I can to make the world a kinder, more compassionate place for those innocent beings who cannot speak out for themselves.
Choosing not to eat animals was such an obvious choice for me when I learned of the environmental benefits too.
Vegan since may 2021 and counting. Love for all animals since then
I have not eaten meat since 1984 and have been vegan since 1 January 2017. I will remain proudly vegan for the rest of my life. All sentient lives matter! As well as following a vegan diet, I'll check all purchases to avoid animal ingredients and any testing.
Compassion, not exploitation, for all sentient beings creates an holistic lifestyle for a kinder world. Pledged to keep "spreading the word"
I became vegan for a healthier life and to save animals and the environment.
Veganism is the least I can do to protect animals from unnecessary suffering and abuse.
Chris Delforce - Founder and Executive Director, Farm Transparency Project
I am, and always will be, vegan for the animals. This world is their world just as much as it is for humans. Equal rights for animals. The right to be respected not exploited.
As a long term vegan, I pledge to maintain my vegan diet and lifestyle and share to educate and encourage others to embrace a vegan way of life, for the rest of my life!
Vegan FTA for life. Vegan Australia is a great goal and a great organisation
I love being vegan!!
All animals deserve to live in peace. Exploitation of animals should not be tolerated.
Vegan = life
It started out as a pledge to protect and preserve animals and planet, but as my journey has unfolded I've realised it's about my health too - improved physical & spiritual well-being. Guilt free living for ALL beings.
I pledge to make the transition to a purely plant-based diet & vegan way of life. I do this to honour the animals who have given me unconditional love, joy & a purpose for living. Animals are my 'raison d'etre'. I promise to serve and protect them always.
I promise to live alongside humans and animals in a kind and caring way.
Doing it for the animals.
Vegan forever. I will not be responsible for harm to animals. Ever.
Heart and soul for animals ❤️
These animals trust us with their hearts, we shouldn't take their lives.
Vegan for peace, justice and liberation. Vegan for life in solidarity with all other animals ✊
I promise to continue my journey of loving, caring, and fighting for animals and their rights until the end of my days.
My reason for choosing vegan is firstly to show compassion to all animals, conserve our natural environment & support my health & wellbeing.
With a little effort we can learn to live healthy, respectful lives in harmony with the rest of the beautiful creation that we share on this planet. I am moving forward in achieving this harmony.
Vegan for the animals (both human and non-human), with whom we share this planet and for the magnificent, miracle called Earth, that we all get to call home.
Become vegan and promote advocacy to others, in the process help the animals, the earth and your health!
I am a vegan, ethically and dietary. I will remain that way and pledge to inform others in a way that is non judgemental and non confronting.
I'm vegan as I believe animals are here with us not for us.
I am vegan for the animals and I promise that I will remain vegan for the rest of my life.
I have finally awoken and my only regret is that it took so long.
Vegan for life.
We do it for the animals. All of us. The exploitation of animals for food, adornment, entertainment and research is OVER. Together we will do this. It is so hard living everyday knowing their pain.
Knowing you are saving animals by being vegan is a wonderful way to live.
For the love of animals/planet and nurturing compassion and kindness: embracing a vegan lifestyle.
If we could live our lives happily and healthily without harming others... Why wouldn't we?
I believe all animals deserve our compassion, we do not have the right to use them for food, entertainment or as some sort of commodity. I promise to adhere to the ideals of veganism in all aspects of my life.
Have enjoyed being a life-long vegan. This not only benefits the animals, but also results, at age 92, in my still enjoying runs such as the 14km Sydney City2Surf.
Newly vegan and developing my knowledge.
For the animals. For the planet. For the people.
Vegan Australia gives me hope! Keep shining your light of compassion and truth. I'm cheering you on.
Dr. Michael Klaper - physician, vegan health educator, conference and event speaker
I pledge to be vegan for life.
I am proud to be vegan and i promise to do all i can to help end the exploitation of animals.
Being kind means to every living thing not just people and really it's not that hard!
Thank you for everything you do. Vegan for the animals.
I promise to be kind and inspire others to live in harmony with all beings. I will fight the good fight always!
I have been vegan for 10 years and will always and forever remain vegan. I refuse to support any form of animal exploitation or cruelty. My planned humanitarian animal projects will come to fruition as soon as I am funded.
God bless humanity and the animals. Peace love and light for all.
Why do the majority of humans find the killing and eating of some animals, principally herbivores, unremarkable and inculpable, while killing and particularly eating other animals, especially humans, is reflexively condemned as repulsive and taboo? See
As a vegan, I will always fight and advocate for the rights of all beings.
I pledge to live a happy healthy life without harming or causing suffering to any sentient beings.
Vegan for the animals and our shared planet. Being vegan takes a little more effort to research and make the most ethical, sound decisions possible but a small price for the difference that it makes.
To live with kindness, care and compassion for all
Choosing a vegan lifestyle is a promise to honour the planet, respect all living beings, and foster a healthier future for ourselves and generations to come.
Love animals ..Don't eat them animals r better than some humans
I pledge to continue being vegan always.
I will be 100% vegan!
I adhere to the principle that our fellow animals have the right to be treated with respect and justice and should not be commodified or treated as property. I ensure that my diet consists wholly of plant foods, with no products derived from animals.
I promise to love all animals equally, and do my best to never exploit any animal.
Vegan for the animals. We need to be a voice for animals as they are powerless to the system
I pledge to do all I can to not contribute to the suffering of animals and encourage others to do the same
I have been vegan for nearly 8 years, do animal justice activism and help promote the vegan mindset. I pledge to commit to veganism and animal justice for the rest of my life and wish I'd been vegan since birth.
I love animals, and don't need any on my plate.
For the animals and our planet (our home), vegan forever.
For the animals, for life.
We are all vegan in our hearts anyway!
I have been vegan for 10 years, and I will be vegan for life!! Vegan Australia is doing amazing work to promote veganism nation wide.
I pledge that, as a vegan, to boycott animal exploitations, adhere to vegan principles and stand proud with other vegans for animal activism.
I pledge to think of the other sentient beings on earth as being equal in their rights to live happy long lives as the 'gods' intended.
Vegan for 30 years thanks to Dr Neal Barnard lecturing in Sydney and vegetarian for 8 years before. This helps save animals from abuse, helps the planet to retain a liveable climate and potentially maximises human health - so it's win-win-win!
I have loved animals with a passion all my life. I will continue to do so and as well as being a vegan myself, will always advocate for animal welfare and veganism.
Vegan for the planet, health and the animals.
I pledge to live a vegan lifestyle, choosing compassion over cruelty, and advocating for animal rights in every action, meal, and choice I make.
Animals in my heart and plants in my belly.
I pledge to live a healthy life fuelling my body on plant foods only and doing everything in my power to avoid causing harm to other sentient beings, especially our voiceless and vulnerable animal friends.
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© Vegan Australia | Registered as a charity by the ACNC | ABN 21 169 219 854