Knowing you are saving animals by being vegan is a wonderful way to live.
Be vegan or we all die.
With a little effort we can learn to live healthy, respectful lives in harmony with the rest of the beautiful creation that we share on this planet. I am moving forward in achieving this harmony.
I promise to uphold vegan values forever!
Vegan - because why it's the right thing to do. I've been vegan since 2011 and there's no other way for me to live.
I am proud to live a vegan life with the full belief that all sentient beings have a right to live with no discrimination.
Vegan for the planet, health and the animals.
I'm proudly vegan & will help any way I can to end animal suffering.
Vegan for the animals.
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© Vegan Australia | Registered as a charity by the ACNC | ABN 21 169 219 854