Vegan for the animals (both human and non-human), with whom we share this planet and for the magnificent, miracle called Earth, that we all get to call home.
I pledge to live a happy healthy life without harming or causing suffering to any sentient beings.
I am vegan! How exciting about the education campaign, YES!
I have not eaten meat since 1984 and have been vegan since 1 January 2017. I will remain proudly vegan for the rest of my life. All sentient lives matter! As well as following a vegan diet, I'll check all purchases to avoid animal ingredients and any testing.
I pledge to make the transition to a purely plant-based diet & vegan way of life. I do this to honour the animals who have given me unconditional love, joy & a purpose for living. Animals are my 'raison d'etre'. I promise to serve and protect them always.
Vegan for life!
For the animals and our planet (our home), vegan forever.
Vegan for the animals and our shared planet. Being vegan takes a little more effort to research and make the most ethical, sound decisions possible but a small price for the difference that it makes.
If everyone could see the immense suffering that occurs to animals when they are bred, raised, transported and slaughtered for the purposes of human consumption, I'm sure many more people would be vegan.
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© Vegan Australia | Registered as a charity by the ACNC | ABN 21 169 219 854