All the people in the pledge wall below have taken the Vegan Pledge and have also made the individual pledges shown.
I affirm that I will always be vegan and a voice for the animals.
I promise to use my voice to advocate for those without a voice, and to spread the message of kindness towards all creatures
12 years vegan. Happier, healthier and my life doesn't cause harm
I promise to continue to educate the public through events and festivals and advocate on the animals' behalf whenever I can.
I pledge to all of the above. Vegan for life
I have been a strict ethical vegan for 15 years, and I pledge to remain so for the rest of my life in support of an end to the commodification, exploitation, enslavement, slaughter of, and harm to, all other species of non-human animals.
I can support vegan Australia because we are uniting together, to bring peace and ease to all creatures on earth.
I promise to live ethically vegan for life and spread veganism to friends and family.
Vegan = love, respect and value all life.
I'm vegan as we must create more compassionate societies. Being vegan is scientifically proven to be best for human health, best for the environment, best for society and best for the wonderful diversity of other sentient beings we share our Planet with.
For the animals, now and always.
For the animals, for the environment, for health and for compassion, integrity & kindness to others. We change the world one person at a time.
I pledge to be vegan. For myself, for animals and for better world.
Respecting all animals have a right to live in peace, whether in the wild or as a companion family member with humans.
I pledge to continue my vegan lifestyle to protect all beings, large and small.
I promise for the rest of my life to work hard to foster respect, care, dignity and freedom for all animals.
Patty Mark - Founder and President, Animal Liberation Victoria and Liberation Sanctuary
I've been fighting since I was eight for the animals. They deserve their own lives.
I pledge to make the transition to a purely plant-based diet & vegan way of life. I do this to honour the animals who have given me unconditional love, joy & a purpose for living. Animals are my 'raison d'etre'. I promise to serve and protect them always.
Animals in my heart and plants in my belly.
For the animals. Because their lives are as worthy as ours. Because they are someone not something. Because I see them.
Knowing you are saving animals by being vegan is a wonderful way to live.
For the animals. For the planet. For the people.
Supporting our non-human brethren through making compassionate choices.
I will never harm an animal or eat or wear animal products! I will do what I can to help those animals in need.
I promise to uphold vegan values forever!
It started out as a pledge to protect and preserve animals and planet, but as my journey has unfolded I've realised it's about my health too - improved physical & spiritual well-being. Guilt free living for ALL beings.
I will never knowingly do anything directly or indirectly to cause preventable harm to any animal.
It was 17 years ago that I made a lifelong pledge to be vegan. Veganism was the logical choice for me as someone who opposes all forms of oppression. It made no sense to neglect animals in my consideration that no one should ever be harmed or exploited.
Michael McNally - President, Vegan NSW
For the love of animals I pledge to prevent their suffering by eating plant based.
I pledge to live vegan to honour and protect all sentient beings, to minimise my impact on earth, and to benefit my own health and the wellbeing of others.
Vegan for the animals. We need to be a voice for animals as they are powerless to the system
Vegan? For life! For all creatures great and small!
I'm vegan because I believe that our actions have the power to shape a world without animal suffering and exploitation.
Harley McDonald-Eckersall - Strategy and Campaigns Director, Farm Transparency Project
I am proud to live a vegan life with the full belief that all sentient beings have a right to live with no discrimination.
Living a vegan lifestyle and contribute to a gentler and kinder relationship between humans and other species in the planet.
I originally went vegan because meat & dairy products made me feel sick. Since then I follow the vegan pledge completely.
I pledge to not eat meat anymore.
Love animals ..Don't eat them animals r better than some humans
The film 'Gamechangers' changed my life. I finally see that we are all here together side by side.
For the animals
As a long term vegan, I pledge to maintain my vegan diet and lifestyle and share to educate and encourage others to embrace a vegan way of life, for the rest of my life!
I'll always be vegan, for the rest of my life. I plan to do a great deal in the future to bring about a better life for all animals on our beautiful planet.
I am a vegan for life
I have finally awoken and my only regret is that it took so long.
I pledge to be vegan for the rest of my life. I wish to use my knowledge and philosophy to educate others on this way of living. Plus all the other points obtained in the pledge. Warm Regards, Tracy
I fight for the innocent animals because they don't have a voice to be heard.
Empowering evolution from civilised marauders to hi-tech gardeners in a thriving multicultural meritocracy. We are co-dependent on healthy ecology and can obtain nutrition from plant-based sources.
For the animals, planet Earth and my health.
I pledge to eat a vegan diet for the benefit of all living beings.
Vegan since 2005. For the animals, for the planet, and for my health.
I wasn't always vegan; now I know the truth, I always will be, for them.
I am vegan for the animals and I promise that I will remain vegan for the rest of my life.
As a vegan, I will always fight and advocate for the rights of all beings.
Vegan for the planet and the animals and for life.
If everyone could see the immense suffering that occurs to animals when they are bred, raised, transported and slaughtered for the purposes of human consumption, I'm sure many more people would be vegan.
All animals have the right to live free from human exploitation.
I believe that all animals have a right to exist free from exploitation from humans.
I pledge to live a healthy life fuelling my body on plant foods only and doing everything in my power to avoid causing harm to other sentient beings, especially our voiceless and vulnerable animal friends.
Vegan for the planet
Veganism is the essence of humanity.
I'm an advocate for health, lover of animals, and author of vegan rural romance. Vegan for life!
For all animals to be free, loved, respected and valued for their individual characters and positivity they bring into our lives.
As an almost lifelong vegan, along with my kids and grandkids I will continue this legacy long after I am gone.
"If you are guilty of serious sins, eating vegetables will eliminate bad karma, and if you are not blessed, you will promote good karma." I have been a vegetarian for ten years and am determined to promote vegetarianism throughout my life.
We're proud to be partnered with Vegan Australia and will continue to promote veganism as the ethical, rational and earth friendly way of being that it is.
I'm vegan as the first step to creating a kinder world for all animals.
Cat Marshall - Social Media and Outreach Coordinator, Farm Transparency Project
I pledge to continue being vegan always.
I am a vegan, ethically and dietary. I will remain that way and pledge to inform others in a way that is non judgemental and non confronting.
Have enjoyed being a life-long vegan. This not only benefits the animals, but also results, at age 92, in my still enjoying runs such as the 14km Sydney City2Surf.
Heart and soul for animals ❤️
I choose to be vegan because of the animals and the planet.
I am responsible for my own actions and I pledge to let compassion, kindness and empathy guide my actions.
Our earth needs more vegans.
Staying hopeful for a kinder future.
Vegan for life
Humans aren't better than other sentient beings. Hence vegan.
I love meat in my mouth but not the animal type.
Vegan for 30 years thanks to Dr Neal Barnard lecturing in Sydney and vegetarian for 8 years before. This helps save animals from abuse, helps the planet to retain a liveable climate and potentially maximises human health - so it's win-win-win!
I'm here on this earth to inflict the least amount of harm and suffering as possible
I pledge that my actions and the way I live my life will never knowingly harm any animal and to always stand up for animal rights.
I have been vegan for 10 years, and I will be vegan for life!! Vegan Australia is doing amazing work to promote veganism nation wide.
I pledge that, as a vegan, to boycott animal exploitations, adhere to vegan principles and stand proud with other vegans for animal activism.
I oppose all cruelty to animals. As a vegan I'll promote kindness and compassion with every living creature wherever I can.
I see your suffering, I hear your cries, and I will never give up fighting for your right to live free from human inflicted cruelty and suffering. This planet is your home too, and you life matters. Forever vegan for you.
My son, (and later my daughter) became vegan for the animals. At first I prepared vegan meals for our health but now am also vegan for the animals and the planet.
These animals trust us with their hearts, we shouldn't take their lives.
I am, and always will be, vegan for the animals. This world is their world just as much as it is for humans. Equal rights for animals. The right to be respected not exploited.
For the animals and our planet (our home), vegan forever.
I pledge as above, that I will always live a wholly vegan lifestyle and will do what I can to promote veganism and animal rights.
For the animals
I simply just can't understand why we harm other animals so much. I'm vegan for them. It is too cruel what humans have been doing to other species.
Vegan for animals and intersectional social justice.
I promise that as a vegan I will always be an advocate for animals and never participate in any kind of exploitation of them. I commit to fighting for justice for all animals always.
I pledge to live a vegan lifestyle, choosing compassion over cruelty, and advocating for animal rights in every action, meal, and choice I make.
I love all Animals and promise never to eat, use or hurt them, intentionally or unintentionally
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© Vegan Australia | Registered as a charity by the ACNC | ABN 21 169 219 854