All animals deserve to live in peace. Exploitation of animals should not be tolerated.
For the animals. Because their lives are as worthy as ours. Because they are someone not something. Because I see them.
I pledge to eat a vegan diet for the benefit of all living beings.
I am vegan because I respect the right of every sentient animal to their own body, life and freedom.
Greg McFarlane - Director, Vegan Australia
I have no right to anyone else's body, except for my own. My body, my choice. Their body, their choice.
With a little effort we can learn to live healthy, respectful lives in harmony with the rest of the beautiful creation that we share on this planet. I am moving forward in achieving this harmony.
I will never knowingly do anything directly or indirectly to cause preventable harm to any animal.
Social worker - because everyone matters.
Vegan - same reason.
Michelle Gravolin - CEO, Vegan NSW
Veganism is the most practical and empowering way to live peacefully and cause as little harm as possible. Plus, it feels great to actually do something meaningful to create a better world for all (and especially animals)!
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© Vegan Australia | Registered as a charity by the ACNC | ABN 21 169 219 854