Vegan news

The latest news from Vegan Australia plus vegan and animal rights news from around Australia and the world.

"Certified Humane" label should be rejected
An animal agriculture group has applied for a "Certified Humane" trade mark. Vegan Australia has made a submission to the the ACCC objecting to the application on the basis that ...
Inquiry told animal agriculture is major driver of Australia's faunal extinction crisis
Many native animal species in Australia are at risk of becoming extinct. The key threat to Australian fauna is habitat loss through land clearing, both past and continuing, and the ...
Plant-based meat could boost Australian economy by $3 billion
World-first economic modelling has found that the plant-based meat sector could boost Australia's economy by up to $3 billion and create more than 6,000 full-time jobs by 2030. The report, ...
Who is Responsible for the Amazon Fires?
This is an essay by Dr Will Tuttle, author of the book The World Peace Diet. The essay looks at the Amazon fires currently being reported in the media. See ...
Vegan Australia joins Vegan World Alliance
Vegan Australia has become one of the founding members of a new international vegan organisation, the Vegan World Alliance. Vegan Australia joins the Vegan Society of Canada, The Dutch Association ...
Spring vegan festival season now here
For the next few months, Australia will be host to a fantastic range of vegan festivals and markets in cities and towns all over the country. The major festivals peak ...
Call for plant-based meals in hospitals by Australian health promotion charity
The Victorian government's initiative to improve the taste, enjoyment and health of food available in hospitals and aged care facilities provides a unique opportunity to improve health outcomes for patients, ...
Shocking bias against vegans shown by media after neglect case
A court case involving horrific neglect and malnourishment of a baby has been used by many mainstream media outlets to slander vegans and vegan diets. Even though the judge in ...
Many voices join against unjust new laws
Right now governments around Australia are trying to bring in harsher penalties to stop people exposing the horrors of the animal agriculture system. At least two inquiries are going on, ...
Animal agriculture is major threat to koalas
Koalas in Australia are at risk of becoming extinct. The key threat to koala survival is land clearing, both past and continuing, and the key driver for tree-clearing is the ...
Punish animal harmers, not whistleblowers
In a submission to a Victorian Government inquiry into animal rights activism, Vegan Australia urged the government to recognise that punishing whistleblowers in the animal agriculture industry is against the ...
Don't blame the messenger, the public has a right to know
In a submission to a Senate inquiry into ag-gag laws, Vegan Australia has recommended that the Bill be rejected on the grounds that it is against the interests of both ...
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Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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