
The latest news from Vegan Australia plus vegan and animal rights news from around Australia and the world.

Your freedom to eat?
Just because humans have the power to exploit animals doesn't mean it is right. Animals value their own life and body and have an interest in continui...
Launch of Australia-wide vegan and animal rights events listing
Vegan Australia has launched a comprehensive and up-to-date listing of vegan and animal rights events, including social, educational and advocacy even...
Lucent - the Australian "Earthlings"
Commonly referred to as "the Australian Earthlings", Lucent is a feature-length documentary which explores the darker side of Australia's pig farming ...
In the media: "Give lamb-assador the chop: vegans"
It's good to see we are getting some coverage of our "Sam, leave the lambs alone this Australia Day" media release. Here is an article in The West Aus...
Submission calls for an end to exhibiting animals
Media release: Vegan Australia has made a submission to the public consultation into the proposed welfare standards for "exhibited animals" (animals k...
Leafletting with Vegan Outreach
Would you like to be part of getting the vegan message out to thousands of young people? Chelsea Collins is touring Australia for Vegan Outreach and i...
Dr Will Tuttle Tour of Australia and New Zealand
Tickets sales are very strong for Dr Will Tuttle's tour of Australia next month. Some cities are close to capacity so please book now at http://www.wi...
Response to article on whale hunting
Today there was an intriguing piece in the Fairfax media, No sacred cows: let me eat whale for dinner, by potential vegan, Michael Evans. In it he dis...
But You Kill Ants
"But You Kill Ants" by John Waddell is an excellent guide to all the questions you might be asked as a vegan. John has allowed us to put online his e...
Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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