
The latest news from Vegan Australia plus vegan and animal rights news from around Australia and the world.

I truly believe the world will be vegan one day
Profile of a new vegan: Emma Murray has been 100% vegan for 4 months, and her partner too! Here is her vegan story. Prior to becoming vegan I was vege...
Meat industry publicity for veganism
The meat and dairy industry has been giving veganism some good publicity recently. Today's example is the industry website where they...
Live export just one example of animal suffering
Media release by Animal Rights Advocates on live export horror. WA's Animal Rights Advocates (ARA) is saddened by the news that 13,000 live sheep and ...
Paris climate agreement may mean end of meat and dairy
The greenhouse gas emission targets agreed to at the Paris Climate Conference will be impossible to meet at current levels of meat and dairy productio...
2015: A look back
2015 has been a big year for veganism in Australia! One indication of the growth in veganism is the fact that over 1,600 animal rights and vegan event...
Animal farming - not as big as you think
How much does animal agriculture contribute to the Australian economy? Before reading on, take a guess: 50%? 20%? 10%? No, it's only 1%, just half of ...
Clear vegan message at Climate Marches
"Animal agriculture is a major cause of global warming." This was the message made by hundreds of concerned Australians at the recent People's Climate...
Meat-eaters are main cause of species extinction
More evidence of the tremendous negative environmental impact of animal agriculture emerged recently. A new study shows that livestock production is "...
Australia to host world vegan festival
Australia is set to welcome vegan delegates from around the world for the 43rd IVU World Vegfest! This is the first event of its kind to be hosted in ...
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Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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