
The latest news from Vegan Australia plus vegan and animal rights news from around Australia and the world.

Give vegan a go this World Vegan Month
Vegan Easy and Vegan Australia are at it again with the launch of their latest 30-day Vegan Easy Challenge this November! The Challenge kicks off on W...
Silhouette of a hand casting a vote into a ballot boxPledge for Animals: How the parties rate
Check out how the parties have voted on Vegan Australia's Pledge for Animals, so you can make an informed vote at the next election. This federal elec...
Ask your candidates to sign the Pledge for Animals
Would you like your local candidates in the upcoming Australian federal election to promise to do more for animals? Just enter your details below and ...
Vegan input into NSW food security inquiry
The NSW parliament is looking into food security, equitable access to food, reducing food waste and how food production impacts the environment as wel...
2021: Year in review - veganism goes mainstream
2021 has been a remarkable year - in so many ways. Here is a short review of Vegan Australia's 2021. A successful World Vegan Month Now that World Veg...
Celebrate World Vegan Day: take the 30 Day Vegan Easy Challenge!
The free November Vegan Easy Challenge is being held as a celebration of World Vegan Day and World Vegan Month - the perfect time for people to give v...
Vegans stand up to the meat industry at hearing
Vegan Australia was proud to join seven other vegan and animal rights groups invited to present at a Senate hearing into labelling of plant based alte...
Animal welfare inquiry told: phase out animal farming
The NSW animal welfare laws are currently under review and the NSW Government says that "protecting the welfare of animals is a priority" for the Gove...
Search for the ultimate Down Under vegan pie flavour
Thanks to our trailblazing friends at the Vegan Society of Aotearoa New Zealand (VSANZ), September 3 has become known as World Vegan Pie Day. This yea...
Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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