Vegan news

The latest news from Vegan Australia plus vegan and animal rights news from around Australia and the world.

Vegan input into NSW food security inquiry
The NSW parliament is looking into food security, equitable access to food, reducing food waste and how food production impacts the environment as well as the impact of climate change. ...
2021: Year in review - veganism goes mainstream
2021 has been a remarkable year - in so many ways. Here is a short review of Vegan Australia's 2021. A successful World Vegan Month Now that World Vegan Month ...
We've asked the Prime Minister to go vegan at COP26. Will he do it?
Vegan Australia has teamed up with Vegan Easy to send an invitation to Prime Minister Scott Morrison urging him to take up a 30-day vegan challenge for the COP26 climate ...
Celebrate World Vegan Day: take the 30 Day Vegan Easy Challenge!
The free November Vegan Easy Challenge is being held as a celebration of World Vegan Day and World Vegan Month - the perfect time for people to give vegan living ...
Vegans stand up to the meat industry at hearing
Vegan Australia was proud to join seven other vegan and animal rights groups invited to present at a Senate hearing into labelling of plant based alternative products. The other groups ...
Search for the ultimate Down Under vegan pie flavour
Thanks to our trailblazing friends at the Vegan Society of Aotearoa New Zealand (VSANZ), September 3 has become known as World Vegan Pie Day. This year, the VSANZ has kindly ...
Animal industry threatened by growth of plant-based products
Threatened by the growth of plant-based alternative meat products, the animal agriculture industry has forced yet another inquiry into vegan food labelling. In its submission to the senate inquiry, Vegan ...
New Vegan Easy video series caps off June Challenge
Vegan Australia partner charity Vegan Easy has created an entertaining new video series (featured below). These are great resources to share with new vegans and plant-curious friends and family. The ...
Help protect wildlife - one week to make a submission
Vegan Australia campaigns for the rights of all animals to be respected. We usually do this by promoting veganism and by highlighting in particular the suffering of farmed animals who ...
Join World Vegan Burger Day on Friday 28 May
World Vegan Burger Day is Friday 28 May. Show the world that vegan burgers are not only delicious and versatile but also better for animals and the environment. It's easy to ...
Vegan input given to Preventive Health Strategy inquiry
Vegan Australia recently made a submission to the Australian Department of Health on its Draft National Preventive Health Strategy. The submission (below) was made in response to this consultation survey. ...
7 reasons to go vegan for Earth Day
Today is Earth Day and there's never been a more crucial time to take action for the future of our planet. In the face of the devastating consequences of climate ...
Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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