Vegan news

The latest news from Vegan Australia plus vegan and animal rights news from around Australia and the world.

Education about vegan diet may improve Indigenous health
Vegan Australia has called on the country's leading health body to prioritise research into advocating a whole food plant based diet to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. The ...
Livestock industry in bed with Australian environment groups?
We've all heard the messages from the large environmental organisations: turn off your lights for Earth Hour, use green energy, go solar, close dirty power stations. These are all very ...
Vegan festival season is coming. Can you help?
For the next few months, Australia will be host to fantastic vegan festivals in most capital cities. The festivals start next week in Perth and run until November. There will ...
Inquiry hears case for phasing out animal agriculture
Below is the presentation made by Vegan Australia to the hearing of the Productivity Commission's inquiry into the regulation of agriculture (including animal welfare) on 19 August 2016. During the ...
Your chance to speak for millions of animals
Please tell the Australian government to end animal agriculture. Now is your chance to think big! The Australian government is holding an inquiry into animal welfare and agriculture and Vegan ...
New Office of Animal Welfare: please end animal farming
A government advisory body has recommended that an independent animal welfare body for farmed animals be created. The Productivity Commission is holding a review of the recommendation and Vegan Australia ...
Government inquiry acknowledges vegan viewpoint
A report recently released by a government inquiry into agriculture acknowledges that "there are some Australians who do not consider it appropriate to use animals for commercial purposes." The submission ...
Italian city plans to go more vegan
The council of the Italian city of Turin plans to make the city more vegan. This could be a great model for cities in Australia as well. Based on the ...
How do we best promote veganism? - Casey Taft
Casey Taft is a psychologist who works with clients to prevent violent behavior. In his article, "How Do We Best Promote Veganism?: A Psychologist's Perspective", he pulls together many of ...
Free range is not the answer
Recently a large Australian agribusiness applied to create a "Free Range" trademark for beef cattle. In a submission opposing the trademark, Vegan Australia highlighted some of the many detrimental impacts ...
Cognitive dissonance and meat eaters
How do people justify "loving one, but eating the other"? Maya Gibson looks at the psychological research into how individuals can hold two contradictory beliefs at the same time. Most ...
Looking for volunteers for Vegan Outreach
Sam Tucker is the Australia & New Zealand Outreach Coordinator for Vegan Outreach, a nonprofit animal rights group that hands out leaflets about veganism and animal farming to students. He ...
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Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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