Vegan news

The latest news from Vegan Australia plus vegan and animal rights news from around Australia and the world.

Australian doctors turning over a new leaf on diet
Australian doctors, specialists and dieticians are beginning to recognise the important link between nutrition and overcoming many of our modern-day chronic lifestyle diseases. Lucy Stegley explains. (See below for information ...
Happy holidays
To all our friends, supporters and volunteers, we wish you a very happy and safe holiday season. Thank you for all you have done this year and we look forward ...
2016: A look back
2016 has been another huge year for veganism in Australia! Thanks to your active participation, veganism is being advocated on the streets, on radio, newspapers and online and on buses, ...
Media covers Vegan Australia dairy phase out demand
The Fairfax agricultural press has reported the Vegan Australia proposal for a 10 year phase out of the dairy industry. This proposal was made in a submission to a Senate ...
Submission tells ACCC dairy inquiry to phase out dairy farming
An ACCC inquiry into the dairy industry has been told that the only fair way for the animals is for the industry to be phased out. In its response to ...
Sydney bus campaign urges public to choose vegan
A provocative advertisement by the Vegan Society NSW on buses throughout Sydney asks people to rethink their eating choices in the run up to Christmas. 'Why love one but eat ...
'Free range' not worth the label it is written on
Vegan Australia has rejected the use of the term 'free range' on egg labels on the grounds that it is likely to mislead consumers. Presenting the choice of free range ...
To answer some questions about the facts presented in our video "Global warming: what can you do?", below are explanations with references to the evidence for these and other facts. ...
Global warming: what can you do?
We all know global warming is a big problem. This short video explains one source of greenhouse gas emissions in Australia that may surprise you and shows how you can ...
Over 40 and vegan? Help cancer research
The Cancer Council of Victoria is currently seeking participants for a national research study examining how our genes, lifestyle, and environment contribute to our risk of developing cancer. Part of ...
Rise in rural tourism to help end animal farming
Rural tourism is expected to rise in the coming years. This is good news for farmed animals as it will allow more farmers to move out of animal exploiting industries. ...
Trump's election changes the game on climate change
Vegan Australia does not ordinarily comment directly on global politics, but the election of Donald Trump as president of the United States is an exception. Trump's election means many things ...
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Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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