Vegan news

The latest news from Vegan Australia plus vegan and animal rights news from around Australia and the world.

Vegan activism for shy people - 15 easy ways to contribute
This helpful article was written by vegan freelance writer Tanya Hardy. It looks at ways shy and introverted vegans can be more active in promoting veganism. "We don't have to ...
Manly men and vegan wimps
Why are most Australian vegans women? In this article, Chris McMullen looks at why the Aussie male may be so resistant to veganism. Where are the vegan men? I'm a ...
New Australian documentary: Raw Food for Life - Serving Love
"It’s the food. It’s been the food all along." Serving Love is a personal story and documentary by Raw Food for Life about the impact of good nutrition on a ...
Australia can be vegan in 10 years
Vegans strive for a world where animals are no longer exploited for food, clothing or any other purpose. A vegan world is something all vegans should look forward to, but ...
'Milk' wars and truth in labelling
Following in the footsteps of a US bill to stop non-dairy products being labelled as 'milk', dairy farmers in NSW are also pushing for "truth in labelling". Led by Dairy ...
Effective Vegan Advocacy two-day workshops in Australia
Would you like to be a more effective vegan advocate? Would you like to be a stronger voice for all animals? Then these upcoming "Effective Vegan Advocacy" two-day workshops run ...
The Optimism of Uncertainty
Although this 2004 essay by historian and social activist Howard Zinn is about human history and politics, it contains important lessons for veganism and vegan activists. It explains why we ...
New Australian film: 'RAW - The Documentary'
Have you ever run a marathon? Well done! How about a marathon every day for a year? No? You might be surprised to learn that two runners, both in their ...
From dairy farmer to vegan overnight
Profile of a new vegan: After loading 40 dairy cow "culls" onto a road train headed for the abattoir, Sean became vegan. Here is his story. After finishing school I ...
It's Do Something! Day
It's Do Something! Day. Every year, 19 July is a day to encourage people to become aware of injustices and to do something about them. Do Something! Day promotes positive ...
This Australia Day do something great - go vegan!
Vegan view: Chris McMullen looks at the Australia Day lamb ad campaigns and relates this back to veganism. As Australia Day approaches many of us will be feeling a patriotic ...
Dairy industry: label your products honestly
A dairy industry lobby group, Dairy Connect, has recently called for a ban on the use of the word "milk" for soy milk, rice milk, almond milk, etc. They want ...
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Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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