Vegan news

The latest news from Vegan Australia plus vegan and animal rights news from around Australia and the world.

Vegan Day Out coming soon
The day Australians celebrate everything vegan! An institution since 2013, Vegan Day Out is now held twice a year in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane and Canberra. The next Vegan Day Out ...
Thriving as an activist
February is Activist Appreciation Month and so we are reprinting this article by Michelle Gravolin, originally published in Australian Vegans Journal . Flourishing or floundering - where are you at? ...
The Year of the Pig
According to the Chinese calendar, we have just entered the year of the pig. Let's hope that this year people recognise the connection between the cute pig cartoon images they ...
Unwanted calves
The current issue of the Animal Studies Journal focuses on the animals used in the dairy industry. As a sample, we reprint below the section "Unwanted calves" from the article ...
2018: A look back
2018 was another huge year for vegan advocacy in Australia! Thanks to your active participation, veganism is being advanced person to person, on the streets, on radio, in newspapers and ...
Have a happy low-waste Christmas - veganism and minimalism
The end of the year is often a time associated with high consumption. In this thoughtful article, guest writer Penny Hall looks at how we can use less without being ...
Australia's first plant-based nutrition conference coming soon
Doctors For Nutrition, a new Australian charity promoting the role of food as medicine, is hosting two major plant-based events in early 2019. 1) The Young At Heart Nutrition Symposium ...
Save A Sanctuary Drought Appeal is closed
The Save A Sanctuary Drought Appeal 2018 is now closed. The appeal provided support for farmed animal sanctuaries affected by drought in Australia. We received an incredible $30,650 in donations ...
Agriculture minister embarrasses himself over meat tax
In a surprising media release this week, the Australian Minister for Agriculture, David Littleproud, claimed that "red meat is essential to a healthy diet." His views contradict major nutrition organisations, ...
Ban live export / end all animal farming
Live animal export is horrific and must end. However, animals exported overseas make up less than 1% of all animals bred, raised and killed in Australia for food. We must ...
End poultry farming!
Now is your chance to think big. The Australian government is holding an inquiry into the poultry industry. This is an opportunity to let them know that the welfare of ...
New Australian health organisation to promote plant based diet
Doctors For Nutrition is a new Australian not-for-profit organisation led by medical and dietetic professionals dedicated to putting evidence-based nutrition at the heart of healthcare. Their mission is to 'bring ...
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Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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