Submissions to inquiries

To help promote veganism as mainstream, Vegan Australia lobbies governments by making submissions to inquiries ranging from animal rights and welfare to the environment, education, health, nutrition and diet.  Below are some of the submissions we have made recently.

Submission calls for an end to exhibiting animals

Media release: Vegan Australia has made a submission to the public consultation into the proposed welfare standards for "exhibited animals" (animals kept in zoos, aquariums,...

End all fishing, inquiry told

Vegan Australia has made a submission to the Productivity Commission's initial public inquiry into the regulation of the Australian Marine Fisheries and Aquaculture Sectors. The...

Inquiry hears case for phasing out animal agriculture

Below is the presentation made by Vegan Australia to the hearing of the Productivity Commission's inquiry into the regulation of agriculture (including animal welfare) on...

Your chance to speak for millions of animals

Please tell the Australian government to end animal agriculture. Now is your chance to think big! The Australian government is holding an inquiry into animal...

Free range is not the answer

Recently a large Australian agribusiness applied to create a "Free Range" trademark for beef cattle. In a submission opposing the trademark, Vegan Australia highlighted some...

A way forward for chronic disease

Vegan Australia recently made a submission to the Australian Department of Health as part of its public consultation on how to prevent and manage chronic...

Submission to the National Food Plan (Green Paper)

Vegan Australia has made a submission on the National Food Plan, calling for a transition to a vegan food system in Australia. Please read the...

Submission on environmental impacts of Dietary Guidelines

This is a submission on the Public Consultation Draft of the environmental appendix to the Australian Dietary Guidelines.  The environmental appendix was added after the...

End animal use, says Vegan Australia submission on animal welfare

Media release: The Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines are currently under review and public submissions have been requested. In its submissions to the review,...
End all fishing, inquiry told
Vegan Australia has made a submission to the Productivity Commission's initial public inquiry into the regulation of the Australian Marine Fisheries a...
Inquiry hears case for phasing out animal agriculture
Below is the presentation made by Vegan Australia to the hearing of the Productivity Commission's inquiry into the regulation of agriculture (includin...
Your chance to speak for millions of animals
Please tell the Australian government to end animal agriculture. Now is your chance to think big! The Australian government is holding an inquiry into...
Free range is not the answer
Recently a large Australian agribusiness applied to create a "Free Range" trademark for beef cattle. In a submission opposing the trademark, Vegan Aus...
A way forward for chronic disease
Vegan Australia recently made a submission to the Australian Department of Health as part of its public consultation on how to prevent and manage chro...
Submission to the National Food Plan (Green Paper)
Vegan Australia has made a submission on the National Food Plan, calling for a transition to a vegan food system in Australia. Please read the full su...
Submission on environmental impacts of Dietary Guidelines
This is a submission on the Public Consultation Draft of the environmental appendix to the Australian Dietary Guidelines.  The environmental appen...
End animal use, says Vegan Australia submission on animal welfare
Media release: The Australian Animal Welfare Standards and Guidelines are currently under review and public submissions have been requested. In its su...
Submission calls for an end to exhibiting animals
Media release: Vegan Australia has made a submission to the public consultation into the proposed welfare standards for "exhibited animals" (animals k...
Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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