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February is Activist Appreciation Month and so we are reprinting this article by Michelle Gravolin, originally published in Australian Vegans Journal . Flourishing or floundering - where are you at...
Vegan Australia has again called on the country's leading health body to prioritise research into advocating a whole food plant based diet to improve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. T...
In a submission to a Senate inquiry into ag-gag laws, Vegan Australia has recommended that the Bill be rejected on the grounds that it is against the interests of both the Australian people and far...
Vegan advice line: Increasing my vegan food options. Q: I would love to be able to find way more foods in the supermarkets that are vegan and gluten free. The limited lines does make it difficult a...
Today is Earth Day and there's never been a more crucial time to take action for the future of our planet. In the face of the devastating consequences of climate change, from extreme drought to sur...
The amazing rise of veganism in Australia over the last few years has coincided with an equally impressive growth in vegan businesses. One example of this is the expansion of The Cruelty Free Shop....
Calling for volunteers to help organise the inaugural Melbourne Vegan Parade New York, Cape Town, Toronto and Prague all have parades to celebrate veganism. It's global! And it's time Australia joi...
To celebrate Vegan Australia's Love a Pig Day we proudly present this recipe for Zucchini brownies from Esther the Wonder Pig.
The Australian Dietary Guidelines, the standard that is used to guide the nation to healthy eating, is up for review and they want to know what you think should be changed or included. Vegan Austra...
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© Vegan Australia | Registered as a charity by the ACNC | ABN 21 169 219 854