On this page we have gathered together the top 8 vegan starter kits from Australia and around the world to help you get started on becoming vegan. You can download them and print them out or view online. You can also order some of them to be mailed to you (some for free). You may also be able to get copies from your local vegan organisation.

Vegan Easy by Animal Liberation Victoria
Your free guide to living a kinder, healthier and more earth friendly life. From the people who bring you the 30 Day Vegan Easy Challenge.
Order the pamphlet to be mailed to you.
(download PDF, Australia, 32 pages, website)

Vegan Starter Kit by PETA Australia
A colourful and comprehensive guide to making the transition to eating vegan, including nutrition.
Order the pamphlet to be mailed to you.
(download PDF, Australia, 24 pages, website)

What Is Speciesism by Vegan Outreach Australia
Vegan Outreach has handed out millions of vegan pamphlets at universities and colleges across the world. They have proved to be very effective at educating people about veganism.
Pick up a copy through the Australia outreachers.
(download PDF, Australia, 16 pages, website)

Dairy Free Starter Pack by Animal Liberation
This pack focuses on easy and delicious ways you can stop being part of the suffering in the dairy industry.
(download PDF, Australia, 20 pages, website)

Respecting Animals Means Going Vegan by International Vegan Association
A clear presentation of the view that we should be vegan because animals should not be harmed unnecessarily.
(download PDF, USA, 28 pages, website)

Vegan Guide by Go Vegan World
Inspired by the rescued animals at Eden Farmed Animal Sanctuary, this looks at the main reasons and benefits of going vegan and then covers how to be vegan, including what to eat.
(download PDF, UK, 20 pages, website)

The Veg Starter Kit (vegan) by Animals Australia
A bright, easy-to-read starter kit chock-full of delicious vegan recipes, nutritional advice, and inspiration!
Order the pamphlet to be mailed to you.
(download PDF, Australia, 44 pages, website)

Vegetarian Starter Kit (vegan) by PCRM
This starter kit from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine is a comprehensive guide to the health aspects of a vegan diet.
(download PDF, USA, 16 pages, website)
Bonus packs!

Eating up the World - the environmental consequences of human food choices by VegVic
Looks at how animal agriculture causes some of the most serious environmental problems, from global warming and species extinction to water and food shortages.
(download PDF, Australia, 16 pages, website)

Eating up the World - the health consequences of human food choices by VegVic
Looks at the serious health challenges facing Australia and how plant-based diets can help prevent and reverse these major diseases.
(download PDF, Australia, 16 pages, website)
If you know of any other vegan starter kits worth sharing, please get in touch and let us know.
Also see