Check out how the parties have voted on Vegan Australia's Pledge for Animals, so you can make an informed vote at the next election.
This federal election, Vegan Australia and our supporters have contacted candidates from across the country and across the party spectrum asking them to sign our Pledge for Animals. Together we sent thousands of emails and messages urging candidates to show their support for animals.
You can see the results in the chart below.
We are pleased to announce that a number of progressive parties have fully signed up to the 10-point pledge. These include the Animal Justice Party, Australian Greens, Sustainable Australia Party, Indigenous-Aboriginal Party of Australia, Socialist Alliance, TNL and two independents Andrew Wilkie and Sarah Russell.
Here is a summary of the points that each candidate signed up to:
We commend these parties and candidates and we will be following up any who get elected to ensure they honour their pledge.
Parties that did not respond at all include the Labor Party, Liberal Party and National Party. Not one candidate or representative from the parties contacted us.
A full list of candidates who have signed the pledge can be found at the end of Pledge for Animals 2022.
We hope this information helps you decide where to place your preferences.
For previous election campaigns see Federal election 2019.
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© Vegan Australia | Registered as a charity by the ACNC | ABN 21 169 219 854