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Demand for meat alternatives growing in Australia

25 Sep 2015

Demand for alternatives to flesh based foods is growing in Australia, as more people ditch meat. This has resulted in significant increases in the production of meat alternatives, as a range of companies, both large and small, rush to meet this increasing demand.

Life Health Foods, Australia's largest manufacturer of meat analogue products since acquiring Sanitarium's meat analogue brand, has recently significantly expanded its production capabilities opening a new manufacturing plant last May. "Nearly half of Australian adults have actively tried to reduce meat in their diet to improve their health or lose weight" said Dean Epps, general manager of the company.

Fry's Family Foods is a global manufacturer of meat alternative products, and has recently moved to Brisbane in order to continue their expansion. "We are a family business and we moved here because we are really passionate about Australia and we think that the right consumers are here," said managing director Tammy Fry.

Another, more traditional, meat alternative has seen a resurgence in popularity in Australia. Tofu is now being produced by 12 major companies, and at least 50 smaller producers, becoming the third most common use of food grade soy in Australia. Tofu production has been increasing at about ten percent every year.

More and more people are understanding that delicious healthy food doesn't need to be based on animal flesh.

Read more at ABC Rural.

The trend of people switching away from animal based food is good for the animals, good for the planet, good for public health outcomes, and good for humanity.

Image: Fry's Family Foods

Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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