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Livestock industry in bed with Australian environment groups?

Livestock industry in bed with Australian environment groups?

We've all heard the messages from the large environmental organisations: turn off your lights for Earth Hour, use green energy, go solar, close dirty power stations. These are all very necessary: w...

Investment of $4 million encourages kids to eat more vegies

Investment of $4 million encourages kids to eat more vegies

About 95 per cent of Aussie kids are not consuming enough vegetables each day. A new national research initiative, called VegKIT, aims to do something about this health disaster. Run by CSIRO, Flin...

If Australia goes vegan, will there be enough land to feed everyone?

If Australia goes vegan, will there be enough land to feed everyone?

For some people one of the barriers to going vegan is the concern that the environment and the economy will not be able to support a vegan world.

T-shirts for sale

T-shirts for sale

Show your support for animals by wearing a vegan T-shirt. It's a wonderful way to promote veganism and a great conversation starter. Below are a few Australian online stores where you can buy vegan...

Fruit and Vegetable Consortium to improve health of Australians

Fruit and Vegetable Consortium to improve health of Australians

Vegan Australia has become a supporter of the Fruit and Vegetable Consortium, a new alliance formed to increase the alarmingly low rates of fruit and vegetable consumption by Australian children an...

Live export just one example of animal suffering

Live export just one example of animal suffering

Media release by Animal Rights Advocates on live export horror. WA's Animal Rights Advocates (ARA) is saddened by the news that 13,000 live sheep and cattle bound for Israel have been docked in Per...

Help us make Australians healthier

Help us make Australians healthier

Chronic diseases are the leading cause of illness, disability and death in Australia, accounting for 90% of deaths in 2011. Over the past 40 years, the burden of disease in Australia has shifted fr...

How my hen made me vegan

How my hen made me vegan

Dogs have blogs and Instagram feeds with millions of followers. Cats have pet salons and billions of supposedly therapeutic YouTube videos. Hens? They are just really really underrated. You have he...

World Water Day

World Water Day

World Water Day is held on 22 March every year to raise awareness about the importance of fresh water. Worldwide, over one billion people don't have access to clean water and in Australia, the drie...

Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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