What we do

Vegan Australia aims to effectively promote veganism through a broad range of activities, based on our underlying principles contained in our Vision and mission.

Our activities are limited by our resources, so if you are interested in helping please volunteer.

Also see About our organisation.

Vegan campaigns
Vegan Australia plans to initiate a number of campaigns directed towards promoting a vision of a vegan world. Below we explore some potential campaign...
To help promote veganism as mainstream, Vegan Australia lobbies governments by making submissions to inquiries ranging from animal rights and welfare ...
Vegan Australia carries out research in a range of areas, including the most effective ways to promote veganism, how to counter the marketing techniqu...
Moving to a vegan agricultural system for Australia
The vision of Vegan Australia is a future where animals are no longer exploited. To support this vision, Vegan Australia has researched the impacts of...
Media releases
Vegan Australia campaigns through the media by publishing media releases responding to current issues relevant to veganism and announcing new research...
In the media
One of the aims of Vegan Australia is to advocate for veganism to the public through media appearances in newspapers, magazines, online and radio. Bel...
For business
Vegan Australia supports vegan businesses in Australia in many ways, from the Vegan Australia Certified program to help with adding vegan options to y...
Vision and mission of Vegan Australia
Below are the founding principles of Vegan Australia. We ensure that all our campaigns are consistent with these principles. Our vision is: Vegan Aust...
Meet the team
We'd like to introduce some of the amazing volunteers who help make Vegan Australia an effective vegan advocacy organisation. If you'd also like to he...
Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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