Skilled or general volunteering, including internships

Role: Help with several aspects of Vegan Australia's initiatives by working on specific projects or campaigns 1-2 days per week or via a block of time (e.g., 2-12 week 'internships')

Key responsibilities:

  • Collaborate with other team members to achieve project goals


  • Excellent communication skills
  • Ability to work flexibly, carefully, and meet deadlines
  • In-depth knowledge of veganism and commitment to the mission of Vegan Australia

An example of a recent volunteer project was the overhaul of our Healthcare Practitioner Directory, leading to an update and redesign of the relevant web pages (still in progress). Other projects may involve gathering recipes, developing e-books, working on specific campaigns, etc. We particularly welcome people with special professional skills (e.g., photographers, book-keepers, copywriters, etc.). Please reach out for a chat if you think this might be a fit!

4+ hours per week
3 months
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Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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