Vegan news

The latest news from Vegan Australia plus vegan and animal rights news from around Australia and the world.

ABC reports vegan call for 'suffering' label
In an item Vegans call for 'suffering' label as seafood industry slams 'fishless tuna' about a new vegan product, 'Tuno', the ABC has reported on Vegan Australia's call for honesty ...
Vegan Rising: 'Our target is the system, not farmers'
The civil disobedience actions across Australia by animal rights activists on April 8 caused a media furore and even provoked a response from Prime Minster Scott Morrison. Green Left Weekly's ...
Questions for candidates in the 2019 Federal Election
In the lead up to the 2019 Federal Election, Vegan Australia, in association with Vegan NSW, put together a list of questions to send to political parties and candidates to help us ...
Submission on vegan diet and mental health
Vegan Australia recently made a submission to a Productivity Commission inquiry into mental health. The submission detailed how a whole food plant based (vegan) diet can positively affect the mental ...
Being a young vegan living at home
Living at home as a young vegan can be hard. In this article, our guest writer on youth affairs, Sophie, gives some tips she has learned as a young vegan ...
All animal use to end worldwide
In a surprise move today, 1 April, the Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon announced a ban on the use of animals by humans. He said the reign of ...
World Water Day
World Water Day is held on 22 March every year to raise awareness about the importance of fresh water. Worldwide, over one billion people don't have access to clean water ...
Live vegan, save how much water?!
Compared to a vegan diet, eating meat, dairy and eggs uses a lot of water! Studies carried out by researchers in Australia and overseas show that over 20 times more ...
Dairy farmers don't know which way to go on labels
In an amazing twist of logic, dairy farmers are now campaigning against a ban on using labels such as camembert, brie, fetta and parmesan on Australian dairy products. The European ...
Survey shows why people go vegan
A survey of over 12,000 vegans has shown that a huge range of influences are at work in helping people become vegan. The answers to the question "What was the ...
Vegan Outreach new leaflet now out
Vegan Outreach is a fantastic animal rights group that hands out leaflets promoting veganism at university campuses and they have recently published a new leaflet, What is Speciesism?, to be ...
Caring for Life In Common talk
This is transcript of a talk given at the 'Caring for Life In Common Forum' at Govinda Valley Retreat Centre in Otford NSW on 1 March 2019. Good afternoon. My ...
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Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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