Submissions to inquiries

To help promote veganism as mainstream, Vegan Australia lobbies governments by making submissions to inquiries ranging from animal rights and welfare to agriculture, the environment, education, health, nutrition and diet.  Below are some of the submissions we have made recently.

End summer sheep export! End all animal use!

In a submission to the Australian government, Vegan Australia has argued that not only should sheep not be exported live during hot months, but that...

Submission on vegan diet and mental health

Vegan Australia recently made a submission to a Productivity Commission inquiry into mental health. The submission detailed how a whole food plant based (vegan) diet...

Ban live export / end all animal farming

Live animal export is horrific and must end. However, animals exported overseas make up less than 1% of all animals bred, raised and killed in...

Get chickens out of farming, government inquiry told

Over 900 submissions calling for the end of chicken farming were received by the recent government inquiry into poultry welfare. This is the first time...

New Victorian Animal Welfare "Action" Plan disappointing

The final Animal Welfare Action Plan has been published by the Victorian Government. It is a disappointing document which contains no protections for animals and...

Research into plant based diets may improve Indigenous health

Vegan Australia has again called on the country's leading health body to prioritise research into advocating a whole food plant based diet to improve Aboriginal...

Wild dogs deserve respect

Dogs, just like those you may care for in your home, are routinely trapped, poisoned and hunted in NSW. These dogs are individual, sentient beings...

Inquiry told animal farming is major cause of climate change

To prevent the worst effects of catastrophic climate change, the government must address the fact that animal agriculture is a major source of greenhouse gas...

Submission tells ACCC dairy inquiry to phase out dairy farming

An ACCC inquiry into the dairy industry has been told that the only fair way for the animals is for the industry to be phased...
End summer sheep export! End all animal use!
In a submission to the Australian government, Vegan Australia has argued that not only should sheep not be exported live during hot months, but that n...
Submission on vegan diet and mental health
Vegan Australia recently made a submission to a Productivity Commission inquiry into mental health. The submission detailed how a whole food plant bas...
Ban live export / end all animal farming
Live animal export is horrific and must end. However, animals exported overseas make up less than 1% of all animals bred, raised and killed in Austral...
Get chickens out of farming, government inquiry told
Over 900 submissions calling for the end of chicken farming were received by the recent government inquiry into poultry welfare. This is the first tim...
New Victorian Animal Welfare "Action" Plan disappointing
The final Animal Welfare Action Plan has been published by the Victorian Government. It is a disappointing document which contains no protections for ...
Research into plant based diets may improve Indigenous health
Vegan Australia has again called on the country's leading health body to prioritise research into advocating a whole food plant based diet to improve ...
Wild dogs deserve respect
Dogs, just like those you may care for in your home, are routinely trapped, poisoned and hunted in NSW. These dogs are individual, sentient beings wit...
Inquiry told animal farming is major cause of climate change
To prevent the worst effects of catastrophic climate change, the government must address the fact that animal agriculture is a major source of greenho...
Submission tells ACCC dairy inquiry to phase out dairy farming
An ACCC inquiry into the dairy industry has been told that the only fair way for the animals is for the industry to be phased out. In its response to ...
Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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