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Vegan farmed animal sanctuaries

23 Aug 2018

Just a few years ago there were only a handful of farmed animal sanctuaries in Australia. Now they can be found in nearly all states of Australia. These sanctuaries care for animals rescued from the animal agriculture industries and look after them for the rest of their lives.

Not all are open to the public, but some have open days where you are welcome to become familiar with farmed animals as individuals and learn each animal's unique (and often traumatic) story. Please make contact with a sanctuary before you plan a visit. An open day at a sanctuary can be one of the best ways to educate people about the principles of veganism, so invite your pre-vegan friends and family along too.

Unfortunately, most sanctuaries are at capacity and can not take any more animals. If you know of any animals who need a forever home, please contact Edgar's Mission Farm Animal Adoption Friends.

Sanctuaries are run by incredibly hardworking and dedicated people. Many allow you help out by donating or volunteering your time and skills.

Below is a list of vegan farmed animal sanctuaries in Australia. Note that some are privately run and are not registered charities. Please contact us with any updates to this list.

ACT environs



South Australia



Western Australia

If you know of any animals who need a forever home, please contact Edgar’s Mission Farm Animal Adoption Friends.

Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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