Vegan Australia has warned the Australian Government of the biosecurity risks of animal agriculture. The Department of Agriculture recently invited comment on Australia's biosecurity system.
While the consultation was mainly concerned with funding, Vegan Australia felt the need to advise the government about the costs involved in protecting the unnecessary animal agriculture industry and that the industry itself is a biosecurity risk.
Read our submission below.
Biosecurity is important to Australia to protect agriculture, the natural environment, Australia's unique biodiversity and people's health. Vegan Australia would like to comment on the Australian Government's biosecurity funding proposal.
Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation which raises awareness of the negative impact of the animal agriculture industry on the farmed animals themselves and on the environment. We advocate for the phasing out of animal agriculture over the next 10 years. This will end the suffering of the over half a billion farmed animals bred, raised and killed in Australia each year.
Vegan Australia believes that the Australian Government should put resources into helping make this transition to a plant-only food system. This transition would:
Vegan Australia urges the Australian Government to seriously consider the biosecurity risks of animal agriculture.
Image credit: Australian Pork Limited
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