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Ban live export / end all animal farming

14 Nov 2018

Live animal export is horrific and must end. However, animals exported overseas make up less than 1% of all animals bred, raised and killed in Australia for food. We must help these animals as well.

There is currently a government inquiry into live animal export. Vegan Australia is making a submission calling for a ban on live export as part of a broader plan to phase out all animal use for food, clothing or any other purpose. Read the full submission by Vegan Australia here.

Please join us in making your own submission to the inquiry. Register and submit here before 27 November 2018:

A sample submission document can be downloaded here. You can use it as is or modify it with you own words.

When you have finished, please contact us and let us know of your support.

Make a submission now

Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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