Vegan Australia campaigns for the rights of all animals to be respected. We usually do this by promoting veganism and by highlighting in particular the suffering of farmed animals who are used in the food industry.
This time we would like to ask you to help protect the rights of wild animals by participating in the current review of the Victorian Wildlife Act, which has not been reviewed for over 45 years.
You can make your voice heard!
Submissions close on 30 June 2021 and you can visit the Independent Review of Victoria's Wildlife Act 1975 website for information, a fact sheet and the issues paper. You can either follow the links to leave a general comment, answer the questions or upload a submission.
Let the inquiry know that you care about animals.
Some points you may like to make include:
Even a few sentences will add to our strong collective voice.
The animals need us now more than ever.
Here is the link again:
Thanks to Save the Kinley Kangas for this article.
Unsubscribe at any time. Your details are safe, refer to our privacy policy.
© Vegan Australia | Registered as a charity by the ACNC | ABN 21 169 219 854