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Vegan Australia launches Save A Sanctuary Drought Appeal

21 Aug 2018

Vegan Australia has launched the Save A Sanctuary Drought Appeal to help farmed animal sanctuaries affected by the current drought.

Every dollar raised will be used to help animals with food, water, vet fees and other essentials.

Vegan Australia Director Greg McFarlane says many sanctuaries have suffered due to prolonged dry weather conditions. Nearly all of NSW and most of Queensland are in drought with other states also being affected.

"It's time for everyone concerned with the plight of farmed animals to show their support for drought-affected sanctuaries who are doing it tough.

"This is a difficult time for all, especially those who have gone into personal debt to make sure animals in their care are fed and looked after.

"These sanctuaries give a home for life for thousands of animals, so we are looking for major sponsors to get behind this appeal too. Time is of the essence as some sanctuaries are running short of food and finding it very hard to source due to shortages and rising prices." Mr McFarlane said.

We encourage all Australians to dig deep to support this appeal for the animals.

Help our Aussie sanctuaries - donate to the Save A Sanctuary Drought Appeal and share this link with your friends:


Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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