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Your chance to speak for millions of animals

16 Aug 2016

Submissions have now closed for this inquiry.

Please tell the Australian government to end animal agriculture.

Now is your chance to think big! The Australian government is holding an inquiry into animal welfare and agriculture and Vegan Australia is making a submission which calls for a new animal welfare body to be established that will really represent the interests of farmed animals by planning for the complete phase out of animal agriculture within ten years.

We are asking you to make a submission to back us up. It's easy! Just go to the inquiry website, fill in your name and email and enter a brief submission. You can cut/paste our dot points below or write your own.

The deadline for submissions is this Thursday 18 August. Act now!

Suggested wording for your submission:

  • Establish a new independent farmed animal welfare body.
  • The body should represent the interests of farmed animals.
  • The body should recognise the sentience of animals, as supported by animal science.
  • The main objective should be to end animal agriculture in Australia.
  • This is because animals suffer when used in agriculture and humans do not need to consume animal products as shown by nutritional science.
  • The farmed animal welfare body should plan for the complete phasing out of animal agriculture within ten years.
  • The body should conduct research into how to phase out animal agriculture with the least impact on the economy and employment and the best impact on the environment and human health.
  • The managing board of the body should only include those who represent the interests of animals and not include representatives of animal agriculture industries.
  • The body should educate the community about animal sentience, animal exploitation in agriculture, and a healthy vegan diet.
  • The community is 99% against cruelty to animals and the majority believe that vegan diets can be healthy.
  • Given the right information, the public will support the complete phasing out of animal agriculture in Australia.

Click here to make submission


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Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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