Continuing your vegan beliefs in perpetuity

Thank you for considering Vegan Australia when making your Will. Your encouragement, support and belief in the work we're doing to help animals, people and the planet is enormously appreciated. 

In making a gift to Vegan Australia you can specify an amount of money or a percentage of your estate, the remainder of your estate, or other items of personal property such as shares. Whatever the size of your gift, mentioning Vegan Australia when planning your legacy is a fantastic way to continue your vegan beliefs long into the future. 

It is enormously helpful if you can let us know that you are planning to, or have made provisions for including Vegan Australia in your Will.

If you would like to know more please do not hesitate to contact us via [email protected]

How to leave a gift

There are three common forms of gifts in wills:

  • Percentage of estate: you nominate a percentage of your estate to be gifted to Vegan Australia. Example of wording:

I give (free of all duties) ____% of my estate to Vegan Australia (ACN 169 219 854) with the written acknowledgment of an authorised officer of Vegan Australia to be accepted by my executors as a full and complete discharge.

  • Residual: your estate will pay all debts, taxes, expenses and specific gifts. The remaining amount - the residue - will be transferred to Vegan Australia. Example of wording:

I give (free of all duties) the residue of my estate to Vegan Australia (ACN 169 219 854) with the written acknowledgment of an authorised officer of Vegan Australia to be accepted by my executors as a full and complete discharge.

  • Specific sum: while a specific amount of cash is a common form of gift (and all gifts are gratefully received) specific sums do not take inflation into consideration. The real value of the gift can prove to be substantially less than intended due to the effects of inflation between the time of making your Will and the allocation of the assets. Example of wording:

I give (free of all duties) the sum of $____ to Vegan Australia (ACN 169 219 854) with the written acknowledgment of an authorised officer of Vegan Australia to be accepted by my executors as a full and complete discharge.

Write your free Will online

We have partnered with Gathered Here to help you write a simple Will today, online, for free.

There is no obligation to include Vegan Australia but even a gift of 1% of your estate will help create meaningful change and ensure a better future for generations to come while making sure your loved ones are still looked after.

Go to Gathered Here

How to change your Will

If your estate is complex we recommend consulting a professional legal adviser to make sure the correct wording is used and to ensure all your wishes are met. Including a gift in your Will is simple and can be done when you make your Will or added with a codicil to an existing Will.

Let us know!

Telling us when you have arranged to leave a gift to Vegan Australia in your Will enables us to make the best use of your future gift. It will also allow us to thank you personally, provide you with regular updates on our work, and to recognise your gift - although we of course understand if you prefer to remain anonymous. Thank you for considering Vegan Australia as you plan your legacy and consider the impact your vegan beliefs can make long into the future.  
Vegan Australia is an animal rights organisation that campaigns nationally for veganism. 
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