I have been a strict ethical vegan for 15 years, and I pledge to remain so for the rest of my life in support of an end to the commodification, exploitation, enslavement, slaughter of, and harm to, all other species of non-human animals.
The thought of eating or wearing any part of an animal is just abhorrent. All animals' lives are precious. The way animals in the food chain are treated so cruelly makes me determined to be vegan.
I love all Animals and promise never to eat, use or hurt them, intentionally or unintentionally
I promise to continue to educate the public through events and festivals and advocate on the animals' behalf whenever I can.
By being vegan, I am taking a stand against oppression, cruelty and destruction every day.
With a little effort we can learn to live healthy, respectful lives in harmony with the rest of the beautiful creation that we share on this planet. I am moving forward in achieving this harmony.
26 years vegan and counting and it's still the best decision I ever made.
I pledge to continue my vegan lifestyle to protect all beings, large and small.
I don't want to hurt animals
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© Vegan Australia | Registered as a charity by the ACNC | ABN 21 169 219 854